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Scott Vorhees on KFAB 1110 AM News Radio, invites Michael Connely, Congressional Candidate for Nebraska District 1 on Tuesday May 7 to give KFAM listeners a taste of how he would compare to the incumbent.

"A lot of this, that you say, are things that people say, well I really like what Michael Connely has to say and I wish that Mike Flood would say those things..."  Scott Voorhees




Connely concerned about southern border

Republican 1st-district congressional hopeful Michael Connely is extremely concerned about America’s southern border.

Connely told News Talk WJAG that thousands of young Chinese men of military age have already crossed the border.

He said he has contacts in China who are worried about the United States because they’re aware all of the Chinese people leaving the country must have permission from the Chinese Communist Party before they’re allowed to go.

"Thousands of young men are all Chinese reserve military members coming across our border," Connely said. "And right now, the ethnic Chinese are the largest ethnic group crossing our border.

"It's almost as if they're letting everyone in order to make it less noticeable that the Chinese are sending thousands and thousands of their military into our country."

Connely is running against incumbent Congressman Mike Flood for the Republican nomination of the 1st-congressional district seat. 


Connely vows to vote "no" on omnibus bills

Each member of Nebraska’s congressional delegation is facing opposition in their respective Republican primary races, including 1st-district Congressman Mike Flood.

Michael Connely of York is taking on Flood in the May 14th primary. Connely told News Talk WJAG that he and the other challengers will not kick what he calls the “financial can” down the road.

"We will vote "no" every time they have one of these omnibus bills where they say, "Well, we'll figure it out later; let's just make sure the government keeps running, so we'll just keep spending as we're spending.' We cannot afford to do that," Connely said. 

Connely said the U.S. is on the verge of losing its “world reserve currency status.” And, he said, if that happens, inflation will skyrocket to a place we’ve never seen before.


Congress hopeful Connely critical of "weaponized" judicial system

Former Marine Michael Connely is running for the first-district congressional seat currently held by Congressman Mike Flood.

Connely told News Talk WJAG that the country has judges that are butchering the constitutional rights of what he calls the Jan. 6 political prisoners.

"We have, now, video evidence showing that many of them are innocent and should not have been there in the first place," Connely said. "No, we need to make some serious changes.

"I and also the other candidates running as challengers would like to massive impeachments of judges. We have to do a massive cleanout of our judicial department and, yes, it has been weaponized."

Connely, who worked military intelligence during his time in uniform, says we have a 2-tier judicial system and it needs to be completely cleaned out.

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